Drying and salting fish, chicken, or beef Drying Salted Fish, Chicken, or Beef Fill a dish pan or shallow box with dry salt. Sprinkle a thin layer of rock salt on the bottom of the brining container. Dredge each piece of meat in salt, then place in the container. If salting fish, place large pieces with the backbone next to the container wall. An extra piece may be placed in the middle to level each layer. Overlap the pieces as little as possible. Scatter a thin coat of salt between each layer. Pack the top layer of fish, both large and small pieces, skin side up. The amount of salt used depends on the season of the year, amount of meat used ,and length of preservation desired. A general rule is to use one part salt to 3 parts meat. Freshening Salted Meat Salted meat can be smoked, pickled, or used in a variety of recipes, but it needs to be freshened in cold water first. Soaking in several changes of cold water for 8 to 48 hours (according to taste) in the refrigerator should be sufficient. Should further freshening be desired, put meat in cold water to cover and just bring to a boil, then simmer.